Purchasing & Producing
Several of Rich’s plays have been published by Playscripts, Inc., and are so noted on their information pages. To order copies of these plays or to obtain performance rights, visit Rich’s page at Playscripts.com.
Rich will be glad to email copies of his unpublished plays to members of the theater community for perusal purposes only. (In other words, this is for reading only, not producing.) The cost is:
*$15 for a pdf of a full-length play (or a full-length collection of one-acts or short plays)
Rich’s plays have had productions at every level from professional theaters to high schools, colleges and community theaters. Amateur and school royalties for productions of Rich’s unpublished plays are the same as for his published ones, usually:
*$40 for each performance of a short play
*$60 for each performance of a one-act play
*$120 for each performance of a full-length play (or collection of short plays)
Note: Royalties for a single performance or for a musical may be higher.
By the way, royalties are the primary source of income for Rich Orloff as a playwright, and help pay for such expenses as maintaining this website and eating.
For future information about purchasing and producing Rich’s plays, contact him at orloffplays@gmail.com.